As your mayor, one of my top priorities will be fostering a greater sense of connection and community among our residents. I believe that by recognizing and celebrating the achievements and contributions of our dedicated city staff, first responders, and citizens, we can build a stronger, more tight-knit Lewisville.
Take, for example, the recent People's Proclamation, where we came together as a community to name a crosswalk in honor of Miss Pat Stone, Lewisville's very first crossing guard. It's actions like these that highlight the incredible impact individuals can have on our city. As mayor, I will work to honor those who have a long history of service to Lewisville, ensuring their legacies are celebrated and remembered.
Unfortunately, current city policy prevents us from holding naming ceremonies while the honoree is still with us. I believe this needs to change. We should be able to recognize and celebrate the achievements of our community members while they are still here, just as Lewisville ISD did when they renamed the Lewisville High School field house after Coach Gage.
As your mayor, I will push to amend this policy so we can properly honor those who make Lewisville such a special place to live. Sometimes the simple things can make a huge impact, and they can help us recover the small town charm that we seem to have lost. Imagine installing a park bench in honor of former Lewisville council member Jack Ablon, or a butterfly garden in honor of Lewisville's greatest mayor, Bobbie Mitchell. By highlighting the contributions of our residents and fostering a greater sense of connection, we can build an even stronger, more vibrant Lewisville for generations to come. Together, let's work to create a city where everyone feels valued, appreciated, and connected.
I want to use the office of the Mayor to celebrate the accomplishments of Lewisville citizens. When one of our residents has a book published, or when they get their app listed in the App Store, or when they experience other notable achievements in life, I'll use this platform to share it with the Lewisville community. I also want to recognize the folks who have made Lewisville their home for long periods of time. As Mayor, I'd like to give them certificates of appreciation when they hit milestones like 25 and 50 years, and allow them to share some of their memories of Lewisville from years past.